How To Keep Your Office Sanitized

How can you be prepared, personally and professionally, to fight against infectious viruses and diseases? 

What are the best practices at the office?

As an employer or facility manager you need to ensure that your looking after the health of employees and creating a safe work environment. Also Don’t forget about you customers.

  1. Make Changes in the Workplace

 Hygiene in the workplace needs to be practiced on a regular basis and employers may need to change how they run their offices so that they are safe places for employees.  Companies need to put up signs, send out emails and promote and share best hygiene practices.

2. Limit Touching

No More Handshakes: Although seen as a polite way to introduce yourself, especially in a professional capacity, it is becoming more and more acceptable to abstain from shaking hands. During the flu season, a friendly wave will do. 

3. Disinfect Workstations

 As you arrive at the office in the morning, disinfect your desk, keyboard, computer mouse, work phone and any other surface you will touch a lot during the day. Make this a habit, it may just save you a trip to the doctor’s room during flu season.

4. Daily Deep Cleans

 Make sure your cleaning staff are perfoming a deep clean on a daily basis. 

High traffic areas must be disinfected daily––and that includes the fridge and shared appliances such as copy machines, lunch room, door handles and restrooms.

5. Accessible Sanitizer & Wipes

There should be hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes in all shared spaces – conference rooms, reception areas and lunch room. Provide your staff with disinfectant wipes for their desks. This will make it easy for them to clean their hands and wipe down their keyboards and phones more frequently.

 We are in this together!

Wash Your Hands & Sanitize Frequently

Call TORO Rapid Clean to create a Healthy and Clean workplace Environment.

(305) 477-4340

*Cleaning and decontamination services effectively address immediate conditions, but no product or process eliminates 100% of all organisms. Its everyone working together that can help create and maintain a sanitized environment.